Apologies to everyone for not getting back to you sooner. Some people had very (VERY) interesting guesses as to what it was that I was doing over here in OZ, but Mom none of that was true!! I did not inform you what were were doing because I did not want to jinx it! Once it all started it just happened so fast that sending out details was just too crazy!!
I got a call from a lady offering me a cool job, and the next thing I know I am drafted into the US Army 6th Div. and off to some Island in the South Pacific! "Fair Dinkum" (Aussie for I am telling the truth) real guns, troop carriers, tanks, 4inch howitsers, army, navy and air force! Beach landings, mess hall, Unit Base camp and more commanders than you can shake a stick at!!!
Once all arangements were confirmed I planned to send out more information but like I said it happened all too quickly. Compounding was the fact that while we were setting this job up we were moving into our new place (Ipswich) which is a suburb of Brisbane. Then I had job interviews (engineering) and meetings to decide if were going to accept the job offers (ie $$). Plus we were in a car accident and we had to bring the car in to be fixed. Which meant I now I had to catch the train (which I almost missed) back to Brisbane to meet friends(John & Charlene). They were kind enough to give me a ride to the Island. I figure I would write from the island but we were in the middle of no where and E-mail was not an option.
Long story short(not my style as you can tell) I was officially cast as an "Action Vehicle Driver" on a feature film being filmed here in Queensland. The film is being produced by Marti Katz and distributed by Miramax Films. The rummor I heard was that the film is running on a $100-180 million budget. Alot of the crew working on the film agree that it is a very big budget film.
If you wanna know more about the movie check out the following link(its not much but..):
Main actors in the film are: Benjamin Bratt (LA law and used to date Julia Roberts), James Franco (Spidermans best friend in the last movie, will be the enemy in Spiderman 2). There are some Aussie stars (TV dramas) and one guy that was in the Matrix (first guy killed, computer nerd?). My favourite had to be Scooby Doo though!! I am telling no lies, I hung out with Scoby Doo for the last two weeks, LOL. It was awesome to hear him talk. He has about 40 voices and will be adding another - Captain Dale Dye.
Captain Dye was the "American Army" specialist on site. He was in war films such as Platoon (he asks the radio guy to click the radio if he can hear him) and Saving Private Ryan. He absolutely refused to talk to you unless it was in full military address, (Sir Yes Sir!) He was a cool guy and it helped to make it all seem so real! But note never ever suggest he is from NORTH Carolina, it is unmistakably SOUTH Carolina!!!
These were the main people in front of the camera but the crew was wicked! One stunt driver has done all the "Survivor" Series! Yah he knows who wins the next two Survivors and teased us about it alot. Anyone that worked on the Lord Of The Ring movies were on this set including Pierre Vinet (from Montreal). He shot all the still photograghs. You will find his work in any of the picture books for the Lord Of The Rings in any book store now! I told him I loved the first one and he said "wait till number two ... it will blow you away!".
All the guys directing vehicles in The Great Raid were also in charge of the Mission Impossible vehicles and MI-2 (Tom Cruise Productions). As well the artillary company was heavily involved in all the Matrix movies and Thin Red Line.
Thin Red Line was filmed in Port Douglas, remember all the hills they were trying to climb and win? Well move magic is the only way they could get up them. The hills were too steep and slippery so they all had nails pounded through their soles so they wouldn't slide back down!
Everyone meet Scooby-Doo |
(Some call him Neil - not us!) |
Like I said the Scooby Doo Crew including the guy who jumped the four wheeler in the shot they use on the commercials. As well the vehicles supplied on this set come from a company in the movie buisness (Picture these Vehicles). The vehicles are famous (Saving Private Ryan, The Thin Red Line) and they also manufactured and supplied "The Mystery Machine" for Scooby Doo!
I want to talk alot about the film because it is cool, BUT.. I dont know how much I am allowed to say (copyright stuff). Most of all I am not going to publish too many pictures (I am quite sure this would be frowned upon). Don't get me wrong, I have many shots from when I crawled around the trees and hid in the tents just like the paparazzi!!! Well you just have to wait to see them!
The parts I can tell you are simply that this is a WWII film. The Island we are on represents the Philipenes. We are in the US army and are going in to save our comrads from a POW camp.
The set we were on was huge, army tents every where. Motor pool, mess hall, beach command station, artilary depot, Clergy and Hospital facilities. The most action vehicles ever used on location. The Navy, Army and Air Force was involved. For me it was all so real being in this camp. Spit Fires and Mustangs doing fly-by sorties daily. Barges, and vesels landing the beach daily. And we in the army building camp and preping to go to war.
I was dissapointed that we were not filmed in any major battle scenes, but the experience for me was out of this world. I left home looking to do many new things and I can honestly say I "neva eva" would have imagined I would be doing this in my life.
Sherry and I met a cool couple in Townsville (John is a Paumy and Char is Maori) and kept bumping into them in different Caravan Parks in our travels. Their aunt was the casting director and they were on their way to Brisbane to work on the film. They offered to throw our names in the hat and bingo "I'm a STAR!!!" (Sherry was pretty pissed off that the only women they needed were Philipino singing girls! and she didn't fit the description)
If you can picture it, we were hired to mainly be in the back ground(some close ups of us driving when the main characters were near). I was told "shut up - do what they say and never look at the camera" I could handle that?? But being in the back ground was not going to work for me!
Many of the guys went for quantity of shots to ensure they would be in the film. Not Me, I went strictly for quality shots, I mean close ups, real close!!! I may end up on the editing floor but trust me they will have to cut out quite a bit to get rid of my face!!!
It was just like being on vacation, we literally hung out on the beach enjoyed the sunshine, played cards, drove around in cool vehicles, ate(great food) and drank all day long and the guys were all great. I met some good friends, listened to some cool stories and shared one of the great times in my life....
Here is how it went. Anybody tells you different you know they are lying!!!
Tuesday July 09, 2002
7:30am, early start (at the time it was) up and at'm for my interview(engineering) in the next town over. All went well and they offered me a job pending what they could arrange in regards to my visa constraints. I informed them that I had accepted The Great Raid opportunity and would not be available until July 21. I was relieved when they agreed that this was a once in a life time oppurtunity(or was it that the guy I would be replacing was not leaving till after-hmmm?).
I raced back to Ipswich to drop off the car, grab my gear and head for the train. Last call was sounding as I ran down the corridor carrying my pack, sleeping bag and fishing gear (priorities)! My ride was a bit early and was circling the block as parking down town was not an option. Off to our new home in the Pacific we went!
We all shared in our excitement as we tried to imagine what was in store for us over the next couple of weeks. None of us had any real clue but we were very succesful in making each other sure it would be all right! The ride was realitivey short 2 & 1/2 hours(should have been 1 & 1/2 but we missed the turn). Which should have been the first real clue that I was stepping very far outside of the realm I relied on for comfort!
Wednesday July 10, 2002
Another 7:30 start (no prob - I could get used to this again) I and 30 other "blokes" met in a parking lot in town. A bus screeched out of the dark and escorted us to the "Unit Base Camp", as only special vehicles were permitted on set. We exited the bus onto a well lit road winding through many tents and row after row of transport trailors. We signed in, entered our designated tent and was offered a monster spread of food (warm and cold), coffee, tea, fresh fruit and drinks. We knew right then and there this was going to be a fantastic 2 weeks! Our introduction into the "Movie Making Industry", was nothing short of awesome!!!
All of us strangers when we got off the bus, did not take long to form little circles in our search for information as to what was going on. The most frequently asked question obviously " hey, U ever do this before?" (surprisingly enough alot of people had).
All of us gorged on the food, fast and furiously as if it was our last meal (we couldn't have been more wrong!). Then the real job comenced (not work - "job"). Just like in any NAUM or other war movie you have ever seen a "que" was started just before the 5 barbers provided!!
"How would you like that sir, razor - real short? Good choice!"
Sitting in the barber chair with my blond highlights I was sure I was going to be shaven but...any one with hair that would have been accepted in the 1940's went pretty well unscathed (I just had to wear a hat at all times). It was however where I recieved my second real hint that I was outside of my realm. I was repremanded for not shaving before I came on set. Apparently "always clean shaven" is the norm and this was repeated to me over and over during the day - (even though my agent said quit shaving! Bugga).
It was funny though to watch some of the surfer guys with long hair hide in the back and beg not to be shaven. It was an easy decision, short - short or go home!
Once your hair was cut you waited... and waited.... and waited.... then by this time you were hungry again and they brought out more food (Morning tea)! Then you were fitted for your uniform/costume. Each recieved a very authentic outfit and it did alot to make things seem real. However boots that seem like they were worn in the 40's feel like they were worn since the 40's and the clothes that are use in the philipines(38degC) do little to keep you warm in 5degC!
Next we boarded the bus and went back to the action vehicle parking area to be briefed about the vehicles and safety procedures. "Great we are finally getting into it", we are all pretty stoked as we stand admiring these vintage machines. They call us together to tell us that we will either be driving one of these or be a safety spotter for the driver. Then we broke for lunch? Yep after one half hour it was time for lunch, and yes all you can eat!!!
After lunch we did recieve a propper safety review and were allowed to get a closer look at these machines. They were painted to look authentic and dirty just as if we were at war in WWII. All vehicles were originals, no fake fiberglass - no new engines. These were pulled from old padacs, rented from collectors or shiped in from as far as Isreal(you could tell these ones as they were sand beige inside the glove box) and all american made (Detroit should be proud!).
No vehicles were assigned and the day was called short. Everyone left hoping and praying to get the best or coolest vehicle!
Thursday July 11, 2002
7:30 was cool, 5:00am was not (more like cold) and all the guys in the parking lot agreed. All of us anxiously wondering which vehicle we would get!! Each day had the same routine...bus gives you a ride, you sign in, put your uniform on and then it is 2hrs of all you can eat!
We are using this day to practice for the big money shoot on Friday so the entire cast of 600 people are not required yet. After breakfast the coordinators of the "Action Vehicle Drivers" assign people to vehicles. First asking for people confident to drive the very big riggs and then for those who wish only run a jeep. The rest of us are assigned randomly from the list, (or so we believe).
They called out everyones name and put them in one of the four cells accordingly (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta - cool eh?). Everyone congragulating each other on their team just prior to pawing at the sheet to see what vehicle they will be in!
All except one poor guy whos name was never called! Which team did he belong to? Humbly, shoulders sunken I wondered over to the Alpha squadren leader and asked if I could be on his team....
"but I have all the people I can use".....
then shuffling my feet I went to Charlie squadren...
"well I dont need anyone"...
"Ah dont look at me like that! OK...stay close and I will see if one of the bigger kids will let you in?"...
We went back to the parkade and like horses out of the gates all the guys ran out of the bus, arms raised in triumph over their head, all searchin for their new prized vehicles. Not wanting to miss out any more, I stuck close to Charlie Leader and quickly he made me spotter on the first open truck. I gladly climbed in, only to find out the truck was.... IN DELTA SQUADREN!!! I saw the two brothers arguing about something and pointing in my general direction, crossing my fingers I prayed it was about the truck not me????
A New Gunner in Town |
We started training and practicing, all emphasis was on reset time. Friday was a very expensive day and the longer it took us to set up the less shots and camera angles they would get. After a few runs (1 hour) we took a well deserved food break? And we all got a chance to get to know one another. I was finally starting to fit into my new team and all was good or so i thought...
We started practicing again and one time as we wound our way through the motor pool and Bravo Squadren my leader looked down at me and said " jump out " stunned I replied "right here?". With out the slightest delay his answer was "Hurry up!"...from the moving vehicle I James T. Kirk roled out of the front seat and watch as the weapons carrier drove off. I looked around to see Brovo Squadren driving by - and their leader (Pete) screaming at me to get in into the troop carrier. I ran to catch up only to startle Andrew as I jumped in along side of him!!
My new home for the next two weeks was decided. I would man the 50 cal. machine gun mounted (swivel seat and all) on the troop carrier (C-23) and if not in the truck I would staff the motor pool! And I have to admit I could not have picked a better assignment if I wanted to(what freedom!!!)
Friday July 12, 2002
First day of filming so "calls" (show bizz for start time) were set very early. Drivers and crew signed in at 4:00am (Yikes)! As drivers, we were concidered one small step above "regular" extras so we were given some small favours like longer days??? It means more pay but 4am comes early. For us staying on the island it was not too bad, but some were commuting 2hrs to work (from Toomomba - fair dinkum)!!!
Same schedule - ride bus - sign in - wardrobe - makeup - 2 hrs feed - go set vehicles in place. Tough life this show buisness! Once we were set up (took 20 min) we now waited for all the other extras to get in place (500 of them) and the camera and crew to get ready. Hours go by and so do the trays of food and drink. One time pies, one time sandwiches, cheese and crackers, fresh fruit, chicken legs, satas, scones jam and cream......this is all day every day. And if there is no food and drink right beside you, you just move a bit closer to the cameras and jackpot!!! Just stay away from the labled specialty orders (BB - does not mean Bean Burito!! Not on this set any way).
Today they set up one of those crane cameras and were doing large pan shots - it was exilerating to here :
"Allright, places everyone"..."OK, 2 minute window, ready!" (Planes were flying into place) "OK....BACKGROUND.....and..... ACTION! ACTION! ACTION!"
We cut our first time and I have to admit my heart was pumping!!! We drove out of the camera shot, stopped and watch as three vintage planes screem just meters overhead.
Well this took aproximately 1 minute to complete and 20 seconds to reset! But what precision, what dedication, "What a Performance!!!". We took the same shots all day just different angles, and different lenses (with some minor adjustments). It was very cool.
While they were resetting for different shots we had time to ourselves and wandered around a bit. The rest of the time was spent in your squadron just telling funny life stories and enjoying the beach and sunshine. While we were hanging out we could see the dolphins swimming just 30m off shore and then later in the afternoon was saw that same water turn to white wash as the tiger sharks were feeding on a school of Taylor fish! Swim anyone???
All in all the day was a huge success, as it was feared that the vehicle reset time would be a problem and it was not. The first Assistant Director (who I though was the director on the radio) called it a wrap and vehicles people and costumes were to be put away. To make our job easier(as if it wasn't already we just left ours in the motor pool all others drove back to the parking area.
As we were hanging out celebrating our great day a fine gentleman wandered through and I simply said asked if he had enjoed his day as much as I. We went into some detail as to why an Engineer from Canada was on set but he agreed it would be a great opportunity.
It wasn't till a short time after that I became nervous and my hands went a bit clammy. I believe it was Pete my squadren leader who first asked me "what did he (John Dahl the main director) have to say??? "No you're shitting me?" I responded... only to have his sugestion backed up by many of the guys in my squadren!! I guess you never know (I hope I didn't have a booger?)??
Saturday July 13, 2002
In Bravo Squadron we always parked our vehicles where they needed to be for the next day of shooting befor we went home at night. Actually our vehicles usually never moved so we couldn't go wrong. All other squadrons had to set up, practice their alignment and reset time as it changed many times during the day. They always had to man their vehicles and be ready to be called into another scene. Bravo were back ground mechanics and occasionally they would send one of our vehicles into a shot. Other times we just waited (played cards) to be called into a different shot.
Andrew (my driver) and I took this time to explore "behind the scenes", and wondered off to where they were shooting the next scene. I was intrduced to the stand in's (people who are the same size and complexion as a main actor, so they "stand in" the right spot as the crew sets the lighting and camera before they bother the actors) and were just talking about the next shot when the director and Captain Dye shouted at us...
"Which one of you are the drivers?"
Andrew too busy with the stand in's didn't even hear them, and I stood there standing all alone staring at them dumbfounded with my eyes bulging out of my head like they were on stilts!
"Dont just stare at me son, are you the drivers?"
I hit Andrew in the side as I replied, " yeyeyess sir?"
"Well come over here we need you for this next shot."
"Ummm, Aghhhh, Ummm" I looked back at the truck I was suposed to be in as we followed them to the cameras.
Andrew, who had been on many movie sets before (ie. Beast Master) was quick to take control and represent the two of us as he tried to explain " we were probably not the ones that were specificaly assigned to you, BUT... would gladdly do this next shot!" I on the other hand found it easier to continue with "Ummm Aghhhhh" and "Ummmm"!
They showed us exactly what the camera would be shooting in the next few shots. This was to help them explain how important it was for us to do the exact same things at the exact same time ("for continuity" Andrew explained to me later) and they gave us our roles accordingly.
I was cleaning my machine gun and Andrew was fixing the motor and fake talking with me. Andrew gave me a crash course on how to make sure that I always had my head up so my face was showing to the camera. (I have never been in the armed forces, but I wonder how they can clean a gun and never actually look at it once???)
Where was I??? Oh yah ACT II...
We shot this scene from early morning till mid afternoon, all using different angles but mostly the same background action. The major difference came when they assigned some more of the (army) extras to our area. Now there were many more people in the shot, I was OK because I had the gun, Andrew was blended in and that didn't sit well with him.
Andrew started at the same spot, but since the scene was rolling longer he wandered of towards the camera (I mean right at it)! Just before he runs into the lens he turns into a tent, I am flabbergasted as I watch this (balls like coconuts I am thinking). For sure he will be in trouble especially when the Assistant Director (AD) comes from behind the camera to speak with him... but the discussion is merely to say that Andrew is in shot so he has to do the same thing on the same timing every time!!! I am sooooooooooo jealous as I sit way in the background on this angle!
They moved the cameras inside the tents and filmed closeup shots for the remainder of the day so background was pretty well eliminated and we went off and explored accordingly. "Andrew- I am going to follow you where ever you think we are allowed" I explained nervously "But if you get me in trouble....." and like any other Aussie he replies "No Worries Mate!" I rolled my eyes and we push our limits for the remainder of the day.
At first we just stood behind the camera and eased ourselves closer and closer... standing silently and motionless when ever "Action" was called, and finally breathing at the "Cut" command. People would ask "Are you extra's?" with the upmost distinction we could muster we replied "No, no, no, we are Action Vehicle Drivers!" "Oh sorry" they would say "have a good time and enjoy!" Of all the things we should have took literally we really only considered this one thing, and boy did we enjoy!
But you can only watch them reset the cameras and film the same shot so many times before it becomes regular , off to the food tent we went! Hot foooood, yum! All was fine untill the stars came in... Benjamin, his wife, James and the others. The food tasted the same but you suddenly felt like you weren't suposed to be there. Not to worry though, a couple of pieces of chicken - lots of fresh fruit - some small talk and bingo ...we blended in like we were hosting the shindig!!!
The best part of the day had to come when we went home! You see Sherry drove up on the weekends (about 1 hour) and would greet us as we came in the apartment! Seriously, I was like a five year old boy who just home from the best birthday party ever.... "First we did this, then we did that and and and... Johnny said this but thats not important then we did more of this...... deep breath ... more stories... deep breath... more stories..."
We all discussed the weeks events as we got ready to go to our first "LA Party"! You always want an invite to an LA film party but... in a little town on an obscure island in the pacific...lets just say it lost some of its pizzazz! Don't get me wrong lots of the crew, directors and some of the stars were there and we all got pretty smashed, but it closed at midnight??? Whats with that, seriously? This place hadn't seen that much money spent since it opened!
Sunday July 14, 2002
Closing early was a good thing since we all got up late and were quite pooped even though we were home by 12:30. There were 4 of us living together (5 on the week ends) John and Char (they got me the gig) and Chars brother Terri. We all sat down to a crazy breakfast of meat, more meat, pancakes, eggs and fruit! (I know, it only took a few days to be converted into requiring star like meals).
Sherry on Location |
Sherry and I were off to explore a bit of the island and see how close to the set we could get for Sherry to see. Sherry and Char tried to sneak in on Saturday but the set was heavily guarded. This keeps people that are not in character( ie not in the army gear or in the Philippines) from walking into range of the camera.
We were quite surprised and happy to find that we were allowed to walk along the entire beach front of the set. We tried to walk up one of the roads but were quickly ushered away by the guards. We got smart though, we let someone on the other side go first (distracting the guards) and Sherry quickly went and sat on or beside some of the props on the set and we took some cool photos.
We capped off the perfect day with icecream cones on the jetty and when Sherry left for Brisbane John, Char and I went fishing off the beach for Taylor . 1/2 hour into it, pouring rain, no fish but a good excuse to go to bed early.
Monday July 15, 2002
This week started just like the previous except for the report of a "federal and commonwealth" incident that occured. Safety meeting were set up for the end of the day! I will go into this later as I will first explain the circumstances surounding this before I layout my defence!
Again Bravo was in the motor pool and we waited for our screen calls accordingly. Andrew and I recieved our call from the pit early on and were directed to park off to the side of the "mess hall". Too many Trees. We drive to our assignment excitedly as we know the camera will definitely be pointed in our direction.
In order to make sure we were in shot we wandered over to the camera(while the crew was away setting up) and looked at the scene from where the cameraman sits. Disappointed to find out that our new assignment was better for the truck then us we relied on our vast experience as directors (Phhh) to cast ourselves into a role that was beter seen by the camera.
I am quite confident this is the right thing to do since it worked so well for Andrew the previous day. We took it serious as well and began to practice what we would do and discuss where we would go, and at what time we would enact it! All was fine during the rehearsals, no complaints from AD's and we are ready!
"From the top, Places everyone!" Mark (1st AD) is in control and his command is echoed through the set by at least ten other AD's in full costume. They are hidden through out the set. " And ....... background....
Our role commences what should have be effortless for us since we rehearsed it three times and discussed it over and over again. But I thought Andrew would lead us and he vice versa.
"....and ....ACT!"
We stand there motionless waiting for the other to move...sweat instantly appearing and finally I cant take it and start walking towards the camera!!
I know exactly where we were going, but many other thoughts burn in the back of your mind! Trying only to concentrate on where to go, you remember how hard it is to walk in the sand and that the vines are forever tripping you. Not to mention there is the fact that the further you go, the closer to everyone who matters you get... "I just have to get around the edge of that tent and I'm home free" closer and closer we get to the camera... each step sends the heart rate up 5 beats/minute "just a little further..." I hear nothing but my heart pounding through my rib cage. "Just a little further.... no way...nuh - uh...cant do it....!!!" I turn one tent too early and wait for the AD to cut the scene so we could "reset from the top".
Andrew staring at me because he is completely surprised at our present location!
"and CUT everybody....OK, get ready for another take!"
Andrew quickly peeks around the corner of the tent to try and gain his bearings. "I could of sworn we were going to the next tent?" Still trying to figure out if he was lost or if I was.
"I know! Its just that I thought you would lead us, and the closer I got the brighter Marks shirt got and... and .. I got too scared!" deflated as to how much of a candyass I was we quickly went back to the starting spot. We now had to figure out how on earth we would get the same timing from our blunder in the remainder of the shots.
They film quite a bit from inside the tents again today. Surprisingly it is the longest scenes we filmed yet(lots of dialog). On average, our 12 hr days are producing 1.5 - 3 minutes of footage per day. That is alot of hours of film that ends up on the editors floor!
They call a wrap and everyone is allowed to pack up and go home. Oh yah we recall as they instruct the drivers to meet in the motor pool and the army extras to meet in the tent area. Our safety meeting:
Now if you recall, there are 600 of us all dressed in full army regulation out fits. this comes with all the gear! Boots, clothes, vehicles,tanks, motorbikes, tents, knives, guns, handguns, granades, howitsers and there is the 30 and 50 cal. machine gunners!
I cant explain how exciting it is to play war with real life size everything. "Bang, Bang" or "Pow, Pow" and in my case it was more like "RRRRR dit dit dit ded ded dph dph dph trd trd trd trd" and many more sound effects. I can honestly say that not many men (or women) were standing after my first day in the swivel seat of my machine gun!!! Come on now, you have to agree that you would have had this much fun if you were sitting in my seat? Right?
And the planes...OH YAH BABY! ever try keep the eyesights on a mustang as it screems just 100meters over head? Over the horizon it flashes, straight at you and the best comes as you wip around in the swivel stand as it flies over head on its way down the beach. AWESOME!!!
But Aperrently Illegal and "a prosecutible offence" under Federal and Commonwealth Laws, Safetey meeting adjourned!
Tuesday July 16, 2002
Close Ups of the main characters again today so it was quite slow for us all. We played alot of gin rummy and as we got hungry we just wondered close to the cameras.
Today I spent alot of the day answering questions as to "what offences?" they were refering in last night safety meeting. As far as their comments saying "some of the guys have been...." I accepted the responsibility like a trooper and discussed many times how the army extras kept pointing their hand guns and 303.s at each other and the planes and expressed how this would not be tolerated.
Just for fun I went down and joined Delta, they were busy having a jelly fish fight! Yah they picked up the bits of jelly that wash up on shore and throw it at each other! Only in OZ is this an option.!
Some of the extras were fired today. They came in the afternoon and pretended they were there all day! 600 extras not doing much but you still had to be there.
It was interesting to learn about continuity and how they tie it all in. Today shots were the next part of the scene shot last Saturday. Now if the same guy wasn't in the back drop or if there was a truck there and now a bike, we the viewers would be upset. This would most likely ruin alot of shots as well, since the editors would not be able to cut and paste as many shots together as they perhaps would like to.
Wednesday July 17, 2002
I was noticed by the director and was given a stage name!!!
I bet you are thinking I have been avoiding an update to keep you hanging??? I wish I was - it would be funny. Truth is that I was given a damn job and have been quite busy : ( I work ten hour shifts but commute an hour each way so it was a long week. Not to mention I worked 7-3 on Saturdays - Bloody hell!!
Good news is that we might be able to afford a tour of the South Pacific on our way home. (Sherry said I had to work if I wanted to stop with her! Not very nice I figure!!)
It is Saturday at 4 now and we are going to the "Gabba" to watch Aussie rules Footy! I will try and spend some of my precious Sunday and tell you about how my ass was used as the focal point for the start of one of the close up scenes!
Well today we know it is going to be quite exciting. We head on down to the motor pool and find the directors all having a meeting about the days shots. In their discussi6ns they were laying out where the cameras would be located to get the best shots of the motor pool as Bratt and Franco would walk through.
The camera action was on the beach all morning and they were continuously calling for action drivers, but I was definitely not leaving motor pool! Just before lunch the crew came back to the motor pool and we were asked to put the vehicles in a certain arrangement and to take an early lunch. It had to have been the shortest lunch any of us had as we all wanted to get back and be part of what they were going to film. It was now very easy to find all the drivers they were looking for in the morning shots they were all located in the motor pool right after lunch instead of where they usually were playing cards or sleeping in the tents.
As they tried to figure out lighting for the camera - captain Dye and the ADs went about directing the background action. Many of the Army extras were called over and Dye was giving them all roles. Noticing that casting was being assigned mostly on your location at the time he thought of an action, Mark and I weasled our way and stood steady beside a jeep located in the middle of the shot.
He kept walking past us first on this side and then that - giving roles away like hot cakes but primarily to the army extras.
Now what are we going to do with this jeep?
We just stood stationary hoping he wouldnt pass our role to one of his army guys. He yelled at a set dresser to get him a can, and to Sams (I can go on for a long time about Sam!) utmost disappointment he motioned for him to pop the bonnet. You see this jeep was being driven by Graham (AKA Hollywood) but after lunch Sam hurried back so he could sit in the drivers seat during the filming! But now the bonnet was up and he was left sitting behind it! LOL
In the mean time the can arrived and the captain was off to assign an action. Men! I need mechanics on this jeep. As he carried the can towards the group of army extras, I pushed my way through a small crowd of on lookers and grabbed the can from behind. He looked up from my hand and stared at me before I broke the uncomfortable silence I will work on the radiator. Both of us still holding the can I cautiously finished my sentence (more like finished begging) for you.if you dont mind?........please.Sir. He let go of the can as soon as my formal address was finally spoken.
Mark being right beside me was assigned Oil Checker where I was Radiator Filler Upper Guy! Breaking up our small celebration ceremony I cant believe you garbbed that can! Andrew joined in and congratulated us on our fantastic roles. Man I was beaming, giggling to my self (Dog Eat Dog!) I even had to go to the toilet but I wasnt leaving my spot!
I started right away practicing my actions and making sure I hit my marks. I went and paced out how long it would take the actors to get beside me so I was facing the camera at that time. I shared this skit with Mark and we enjoyed manufacturing our interacting roles!
Everyone was asked to stay in their start position as the crew went about setting up the shot. I knew where the actors were going so I knew we were in shot and both of us were stoked accordingly. But at no time did I imagine that I would be this close to the camera!!! While I was standing in front of the jeep, the crew built the camera rail literally starting underneath me. My start position had me straddling the rails and I had to stay at a certain position or my ass would block the camera!!! Fair Dinkum!!
This shot was dependent on planes plying over head and we had to wait for them to get ready. This gave us the opportunity to visit with Mark (1st AD) and the camera guys. We were lucky Mark was in a good mood, he is usually "pretty focused" polite for- strict! We helped them out on a few things, primarily when we were shooting there was a glare in the shot and I pointed out where it was coming from. I recieved a great compliment from the crew and Mark. I have to admit in the excitment of it all I was beaming!!! BUT...
After each take we would have to wait a while for the planes and cameras to reset. We continued gabbing with the crew and Mark (extra with me) found out he was not in shot. So to get in shot he was going to move across the front of the jeep. I would have done the same thing so I didn't mind his efforts. He would have to drape a blanket over me not to have my face all over that shot!!
What I did fear was the "continuity police", and I told him he beter not get me in trouble! Sure enough the next shot commences, he moves across in front of me I adjust to the side so I am not blocked, cool! All of a sudden Mark (1st AD) comes running out from behind the camera yelling...(You see after every take they review every shot and....)
"Who was the guy working on this jeep?" I answered - but I am sure the "Beetroot" red in my face was answer enough for him! "Run through what you are doing in this shot" he commanded. I stuttered and talked about what it was I was doing "Ah HAH!! You see when you step back like this.. you are too close to Benjamin... I want you to wait until Ben and James are through this spot before you make your way around the edge of the jeep! Understand?" ...."Yes Sir" barely squeaked out of me.
Now considering I had just been reamed I figure it wasn't that bad and that I got off relatively lucky. All was forgotten as we continued shooting. But just as the blood started to drain from my cheeks, they needed to reset the cameras.
Mark and the Lighting director were trying to think some things out and asked the actors to stand in a certain place so they could set the lighting. Seeing that they were not in the right place he yelled to Ben and James (from far away I might add) "No, No, stand over there..No, stand right there....No just stand beside the guy who's ass sticks out too far!!!" Knowing exactly where to stand they both stood right beside me!
You always dream about being noticed...but I don't think this is going to cut it in Hollywood. From that moment on I was known as "The Guy Who's Ass Sticks Out Too Far"!!
Thursday July 18, 2002
It continued today everyone hoots and hollers as I walk down the bus and also when I try getting a seat in the lunch tent. "Watch out!! Guy with the Big Ass coming through!" It was funny how little time it took for it all to be distorted! No worries I figure, all in fun and I was still pretty stoked about the shot yesterday.
It is too cold in the mornings to take your jumper off so we would usually duck out of the way till around 10:00 (when the sun would be nice and high) and then direct ourselves into a role some how. Andrew and I decide to work on his Command Vehicle in the back ground for our first scene. Not long after we joined the ADs got in trouble because when the directors extended the length of filming, extras were walking back and forth with no where to go! Andrew and I took this opportunity to be (directed) in a great role.
Ben is addressing the soldiers so we start in the same spot and then head straight for the camera. We turn at the tent just before the cameras and then Ben finishes and follows down the same path. All was going great ADs were watching and we hit our marks well. We would get off screen and enjoy another long walk in shot without any vines or sand tripping us. We knew the shot was over when Ben would walk around the corner of the tent not far in front of us. All is well.....
...until Andrew gets the big idea that he is in a perfect spot to take a picture of Ben when he walks around the corner??? Next take we do the same thing finish in the same spot and like clock work Ben walks around the corner... SNAP!!! I am standing there, arms cross, smiling "like a donkey eating thistles" and Ben looks right at me!!! I mean we are locked in a full stare...and why not, there is this big black camera peeking right over my shoulder taking his picture.
I am instantly in a nervous sweat, he has caught us! Thought of panic ran through my mind "You DUMB ASS! Why didn't you face the other way so he couldn't see your face? .... No wait that means I can't claim I didn't know. OH SHIT! Why did you wear that stupid helmet and goggles? No one out here is wearing one but you!! I am F....."
In the micro seconds of being caught my life was saved! A gust of wind blew some of the props down beside me in a thunderous crash and everyone went running to check it out. Not me though I split like a flash behind the tent. I figure that Andrew would do the same thing but was quite surprised to find out the "Bugga" had been gone for a long time before that!
I headed across the field and I am noticably upset and worried that I am going to be kicked off set. I finally catch up to Andrew more than 200 m ahead of me sitting at the Command vehicle. He is so happy that he got a great shot.."I could be wrong but it seemed that Ben looked right at me when I took the photo" he quibbed mater-of-factly. "OF COARSE HE LOOKED RIGHT AT US, AND HE KEPT LOOKING AT ME LONG AFTER YOU LEFT!"
Andrew tried to calm my nerves as we waited at our start positions but I was pretty freaked. Seeing our little dispute, Jason Sievers(another action driver) came over to see what was going on. As we were telling the tale of our events we heard the AD's talking on the radio...
"Nick do you know where Private Hand (Andrew Palmer) is?"
My neck is still sore from when my head jerked up "what did that guy just say?"
"Yah I think he is over here in the motor pool" echoed in my head for what seemed like forever.
Just as I tried to tell Andrew what I heard, the AD'S were on foot and swarming right at us! "Andrew..... Andrew......, anyone know where Andrew is?" I walked off (thinking disassociating myself from him might get me off the hook) kinda feeling guilty but mostly afraid for him. I stopped at the car to watch.
"Andrew do you know where that guy with the helmet and goggles is?" and with out even knowing where I was his arm swung around at me fast as time itself. It was like I was the only guy on that island!
"Are you the guy who walks through here?"
I knew it, I should have taken my helmet off! Theres no way they could identifiy the guy taking the picture! Ben could only see my body and "Bloody Hell" Andrew's face was covered entirely by that damn camera...thoughts filling into my mind as I slowly made my way towards them.
"Ummmm, yah?"
"Are you supposed to walk through the tents there?"
Tell him some AD gave you your direction....."Ummmm, yah?"
"Did you go through there the last time?"
Tell him not this time it must have been the other driver.."YeYeYesss Sir?"
"Were you standing in behind the tents at the end of that last shot?"
Ohhh shittt! I've had it now! I stare directly at Andrew hoping he would answer for me..."Yes, Yes It Was ME!!" I sobbed loudly!
"It was you what? Oh never mind. I just didn't see you go through there this time and I wanted to make sure you are still doing the same actions for continuity."
"You don't want to talk about anything else?"
"No, what do you mean?"
"Oh nothing!" came relaxingly out of me as I breathed for the first time since I heard the call on the radio.
They left and I stood still as an ice sculpture in the hot sun (thats about as much as I was sweating) as Andrew and Jason came over to me laughing.
"That was a close one, LOL"
"Ummm Yah!"
"What a coincidence that they wanted to talk to us right after that same scene?"
"Ummm Yah!"
Everyone came over to find out what all the commotion was about, but for the moment it was decided that this story was better left for a day when I wasn't shaking so much!
Today is turning out to be another wild day of shooting. There is going to be a huge convoy of our vehicles running along side the motor pool. There will be crane shots, close-ups, dialog and lots of action. I get partnered with Mark again. This is very cool as his truck is only one back from the command vehicle, which contains all the stars (inc. Private Hand AKA Andrew, that bastard!).
We can tell we will be very close to the shot, but get really pumped when the continuity police send the gunners and some drivers to be fitted for another costume. They inform us that the shots are real close and they take place in a different time! Very cool another quality shot!
While we are gone and for hours later the continuity police run around with photo albums making sure the vehicles and men look the same as they did when they filmed the other part of this shot (weeks earlier). They even took off things that were tied to the truck and retied them so the knots and length of rope were the same!!!
Fitted in our new outfits, we were asked to go to our start positions so the actors could practice their lines. Both Ben and Frank were right beside us as they did this cool scene. The camera was right there!! I cant believe how good my luck is and .. BAMMM. Back to reality! The continuity police busted me! You see I wasnt the same guy they had in this shot last time they filmed it. Sooooo close! But they bumped me like nothing. Anybody not already in the shot loved it and laughed about me being too ugly to be in the close ups. I was strong though, I had a plan!!!
This shot was dependent on the location of the sun in the sky and was thus a very tricky and expensive shot. We really only had enough time to do three takes (if that). So they didnt want any of the OK drivers, they only wanted the best drivers, and no way was that me!! They wanted the stunt drivers to take these positions, so coincidently my good friend John simply nominated me to drive the weapons carrier he was in!
During our rehearsals, we worked on our cues, made sure we hit our marks and drove through at the same speed every time. We even worked out our own skit so that we were facing towards the camera as we idled past in the back drop. The director called us to our start position and we waited for the sun. Thumbs up to the cue man, clutch engaged and engines fired. We (ie: me) were pretty nervous because if you got stuck in the sand or stalled you would get physically yanked out of the seat and yelled at in front of everyone!
Still we waited for the sun, leg trembling from the weight of this big ass clutch.....
"and ready everyone..aaannnd....ACT" every thing was cool, we waited for the first part drive in, eye contact on the cue man, and GO! I am trying to let that clutch out nice and easy, revs way up... and come on baby come on? We start to roll, thank god!
"and CUT!" I jam on the brakes first looking at John and then quickly at my front tire to see if I missed part of the trip! NO, we really did just move three feet? Puzzled I look to John for support, Did he just say what I think he said? only to receive the universal shoulder shrug!
"OK Sean, you can leave the car there. We won't need you in this shot anymore."
After all that you would think that my day would get better, I wish! It was already the end of the day and this faint echo came above the radio waves I think they lost one of the days film?
Rumours spread like wild fire. We all had our own conspiracy theory of what happened and what day was lost. There were more rumours than you would get in an Enquirer. But we had solace and celebrated at the thought of them paying us triple time to do the scenes again on Sunday. But never would I have guessed that they would lose Wednesdays shots, yah my ass shots! The ones in the motor pool! My ass was no longer the focal point. My ass was definitely on the editing floor! The boys figure they tried to edit out my ass but it took all the days footage to do it! Again today Soooooooo close!
Saturday July 20, 2002
Trying to deal with the rejection of it all, I stayed clear of all the shooting, (or was it that we stayed out all night playing trivia?) Either way it was pretty relaxing today. The cloud cover made it very inviting to stay inside playing cards or taking a nap.
I soon found myself stretched out on a cot inside one of the tents. Aside from the fear of spiders it was very comfortable and I found it quite easy to catch up on my sleep. Until that was I started to be interrupted from all the commotion around the tent.
I knew I was close to the action when I could hear the extras, hiding behind the tent, discussing their timing and skits. But it wasnt till I heard the director yell at one of the set dressers that it became clear as to how close I was to the action. You see the director did not want the flap of the tent to blow in the wind while they were shooting. With in seconds there was someone closing the flaps of my tent! My cue to wake up and start the day!!
Sherry came up again. It is our last "LA" party so we wanted to make the most of it. Lots of booze and of course lots of food - can't go wrong with that. One of the perks we got when we started touring the island was honarary membership at the local surf club so this is where all the parties started.
But again this place closed at midnight but not to be out done we all moved the party down to the island "night club"! We all stayed till closing which was understandable since most of the filming was done and all was going very well.
What wasn't considered was that come three o'clock we all would need a ride home. Simple enough had there been more than 2 taxis on the island!! Thats right you can count'em again if you wish! 200 people need a ride and two 4-man cabs!! We stood out side till sun up waiting to get home. And NO walking 40 kms was not an option!
You could find all the hangover 'extras' you could imagine, moping around at the movie store/beaches/ fast food joints or at the jetty. Sherry and I went site seeing looking for Dingos, internet and went fishing off the beach.This is where we found the entire catering crew still drunk from the night before. It honestly crossed my mind to brown bag my lunch on Monday!!
The big "Re-shoot" day, Yikes!!! Early start again, they figure since we are all there they would redo other scenes as well as the one they lost. No big deal for me, I used this time to practice my big scene! I definitely didn't want the director to yell at me again, so I spent the entire day making sure my ass didn't get in the way or bang into anything! I was like a dog chacing his tail, I damn near wore a beeper!!
We broke for lunch as they reset for the most important scene in the entire movie!! LOL That gave us time to gossip about how much this little hic-up might have cost? You see it was a scene that had airplanes in them and right after the first shooting they were sent home and it had to be arranged to have them shipped back for another three hours of shooting $$$$$. 4-500 extras, all the actors, crew and equipment and that damn food bill!! The guesses averaged at $500 000. Heads must have rolled!!!!
It was all old hat for us to redo the shooting and it went relatively smoothly. One change they tried to impliment was ask the Canadian mechanic to take his shirt off during the filming???
"I said - PARDON???"
"Listen sweetheart I have done nothing but lay around for two weeks straight! Now add to that you have fed me an all you can eat buffet, which was open to me for the entire 12 hours I was here in a day!! If you think I am taking my shirt off in a close up shot you are officially ON CRACK!!!!!!!"
Long story short it was settled that I would wear one of the white "wife beater" singlets that they wore back in the day. And so I looked sweaty they sprayed me down with gliserine. The stickey stuff Joe used to batch our home brew!
Shot after shot untill the triumphant call from the diresctor